Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
34497a3fe0ef52949a1ba8e99894ed69 This article belongs to the Prime Timeline's current future in the Classic Continuity

Fix, fix, fix! I'll put this piece here and this one here, and this...

– Uprigg building the Time Cycles.[1]

Uprigg is the combination of Upgrade and Juryrigg's DNA. He can only be accessed by using the Biomnitrix.


Uprigg has the body of Juryrigg with the circuit pattern of Upgrade. His arms, legs, and stomach are slightly more rounded than Juryrigg's. Rather than a devil tip, he has a plug on the end of his tail, similar to Feedback's. His ears and nose are longer and pointier.

The Biomnitrix is located on the ring of his eye, which is Upgrade's symbol location.


Uprigg has the same personality as Juryrigg and laughs maniacally when he is disassembling and reassembling machinery.

Powers and Abilities[]

Being part-Galvanic Mechamorph, Uprigg has stretchable limbs that can reach over long distance like Upgrade. He can also modify and improve technology, such as how he created the Time Cycles.

Being part-Planchaküle, Uprigg can break and reassemble technology much like Juryrigg.





Season 8[]

Naming and Translations[]

Language Name Origin
German Gnomi-Grade From Gnomifax (Jury Rigg's german name) and Upgrade
Italian Diavolultra From Diavoletto, Jury Rigg's Italian name, and Plusultra, Upgrade's Italian name
Polish UpFachura From up, part from the word "Upgrade", and Fachura, Polish name for Jury Rigg
Portuguese (Br) Ultra Diabrete From "Ultra-T", Upgrade's Portuguese name, and Diabrete, Jury Rigg's Portuguese name ("Diabrete" also means "little devil" or "plug-ugly", "mobber")
Russian Апприг From the original English name
Spanish (HA) Reparex From reparar, repair; pronounced /rɛpa'ɾɛx/
Spanish (Spain) Duendelizador From Duendecillo, Juryrigg's Spanish name, and Actualizador, Upgrade's Spanish name


  • Uprigg's voice is essentially Juryrigg's voice through a speaker with a robotic tone similar to Upgrade's.


Introduced in Ben 10 ArctiguanaBlitzwolferBuzzshockCannonboltDiamondheadDittoEvil Way Big (Destroy All Aliens)Eye GuyFour ArmsFrankenstrikeGhostfreakGrey MatterHeatblastRipjawsSnare-OhSpitterStinkflyUpchuckUpgradeWay BigWildmuttWildvineXLR8
Introduced in Alien Force Alien XBig ChillBrainstormChromastoneEcho EchoGoopHumungousaurJetrayLodestarNanomechRathSpidermonkeySwampfire
Introduced in Ultimate Alien AmpfibianArmodrilloChamalienClockworkEatleFasttrackJuryriggNRGShocksquatchTerraspinWater Hazard
Introduced in Omniverse AstrodactylAtomixBall WeevilBloxxBullfragCrashhopperFeedbackGravattackGutrotKickin' HawkMole-StachePesky DustThe WorstToepickWalkatroutWhampire
Future Aliens SandboxShellheadSnakepit
Ultimate Aliens AlbedoArctiguanaBenBig ChillCannonboltEcho EchoGravattackHumungousaurRathSpidermonkeySwampfireWay BigWildmutt
Fusion Aliens Atomic-XBig ChuckCrashockerDiamond MatterFourmungousaurHeat JawsHumungoopsaurStink ArmsUprigg
Concept Fusion Aliens GravadactylXLRG
Competition Winners Alien Maker Contest WinnerMoyoInvinciblePortalerShadowmanStretcheleo
MAD ChromastoneFour ArmsHumungousaurJetrayNRGSwampfire
Total Access AntigraviteslaBob the BlobPlantapocalypse
Ben 10: Science Hero CaetSektoid TransformationShafarnianSteeler
Tim 10 BloxxFour ArmsHeatblastSkateasaurusUpchuckXLR8
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