Team Tennyson discovers a Hartfield-McJoy reenactment in the cornfield next door, but when Hex resurrects the ghosts of the real feuding families, Ben must find a way to bring them together if he is to save the day!
While driving in the Rustbucket, Max is asked by Ben why they've come to see corn fields. Max explains to him and Gwen that it's because they make corn city folk can only dream of. Upon exiting the Rustbucket, they are confronted by a woman wearing a straw hat, who introduces herself as Cornflower McJoy. She explains to the trio that the McJoy family makes the best corn in Tennessee, and that they're having a "corn cookout" to celebrate their annual battel reenactment. Ben is excited at the prospect of action, confusing Gwen, who brings up their previous encounters with supervillains in the past week. Ben ignores her and daydreams about Four Arms having a historical battle with himself. Ben realizes he doesn't know enough about historical battles, and the Four Arms in his daydream start studying about them, ruining the daydream. Gwen suggests watching the reenactors for ideas, which they do.
The reenactors have corn-themed fight with each other, confusing the cousins. Gwen looks up the battle they are commemorating, while Ben asks what there is to argue about. The reenactors all angrily respond with "CORN!", and a man pops out of the field. Introducing himself as Cornelius Hartfield, the town historian. He explains the various foods that can be made with corn. He goes on, explaining that in the past, the McJoy family had stolen the Hartfield family's Corn Flute. Thus, they reenact the conflict to the present day. Cornflower interjects, saying that the Hartfields stole the McJoy's Corn Flute. She shows Ben and Gwen her blog, as the families continue to bicker. Gwen wonders where the flute is.
In a nearby shed, Hex finds the Corn Flute, having detected its great power. He finds it odd that it's in a farm shed, and overhears the families arguing. He flies high above them, and deduces that their conflict is making its power grow. He realizes that the flute can summon the ghosts of the deceased families, and plays it. Suddenly, the corn field glows blue as the ghosts rise up. Team Tennyson and the families retreat, and Cornflower and Cornelius continue to fight. Ben and Gwen notice Hex summoning the ghosts. Ben tells Gwen to get everyone to safety, as he activates the Omnitrix and transforms into Heatblast. He tries to take on Hex, but is repeatedly stopped by the ghost army. He notices the source of Hex's control is the flute, and tries to destroy it, but the ghosts trap him under corn stalks. Heatblast bursts free, only to find Hex missing. He reappears behind Heatblast, who tries to attack him, but he steps on a rake set by a ghost. The ghosts continue to harass Heatblast, eventually forming a ghostly vortex around him. Heatblast empowers himself, creating a burst of fire, again freeing himself. Behind him, he notices that the corn fields he seared are now brimming with popcorn. Heatblast is buried in the popcorn and swept away to the shed, where he reverts back to Ben.
Inside, Gwen asks Ben if he figured out how Hex was controlling the ghosts, and Ben fills everyone in. Cornelius asks for him to return the flute once he defeats Hex, angering Cornflower and reigniting their argument. Gwen leaves them to their own devices and leans on a cardboadr box, which breaks. In the remains of the box, she finds a letter speaking of an engagement that could change the situation. However, ben has other ideas, and transforms into Rath. He gives the families a hot-headed pep talk, encouraging them to fight Hex.
Outside, Hex notices his control over the ghosts weakening. Rath, along with the families charge at Hex, and he connects the dots. Hex commands the ghosts to attack them, which they do. Max helps fend off the ghosts, and tells Rath to deal with Hex. Hex retreats into the corn fields, and Rath gives pursuit, as the former taunts him. Hex attacks Rath from high above, but fails to land his any hits. Eventually, Hex summons more ghosts to constrain Rath and slam him into the ground. He activates a combine harvester, which makes its way towards Rath. Hex gloats about his success, only to be hit in the head with a corn cob from Gwen. He drops the flute, and his robes become stuck in the combine. He teleports away just before it gets him, but Rath is still stuck. Gwen jumps into the vehicle, and pulls a lever, turning it off. Rath frees himself, and Gwen jumps atop the combine.
Gwen explains that nobody stole the flute, and that Molly McJoy was gifted it by a Hartfield, according to the letter. Cornelius and Cornflower apologize to each other, and the ghosts are put to rest. Hex reappears, swearing his revenge before again leaving. Max then suggests to Cornelius and Cornflower that he could cook something up. Later, Cornelius coaches Max's corn cooking. Ben is thankful they're teaching him that instead of more corn puns, claiming they are "corny". Gwen laughs at him as he goes to eat in the Rustbucket.
Cornelius: Perhaps I can offer a kernel of truth. I'm Cornelius Hartfield, PhD., the town historian. You see, corn's been our main export since 1803. Corn on the cob, cornbread, corn fritters, corn chowder, and cornucopia of other fine products that make up the cornerstone of our ecornnomy.
Gwen: Years of fighting, and this is what brings them together? Max: I threw logic out the window the moment a sorcerer used a flute to summon a ghost army from a corn field.
Hex: Ah, the classic game of cat and mouse. But who is the cat, and then who is the mouse? Rath: Duh! Have you seen a cat before?