The Ben 10 Alien Force Experience is the eighth Ben 10: Ultimate Alien comic published in the Cartoon Network Action Pack series, published by DC and Cartoon Network. This comic appears in issue 52 of the series.
Ben, Gwen and Kevin check out a new ride that goes through Ben’s story with the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix. However, the ride is attacked by Zombozo and his robotic versions of Ben’s Ultimate forms.
- Zombozo
- Thumbskull (pictured)
- Frightwig (pictured)
- Vilgax (pictured)
Aliens Used[]
By Ben[]
- Diamondhead (pictured)
- Wildmutt (pictured)
- XLR8 (pictured)
- Cannonbolt
Zombozo's Robots[]
- Heatblast
- XLR8
- Spidermonkey
- Ultimate Spidermonkey
- Big Chill
- Ultimate Big Chill
- Ultimate Echo Echo
- Ultimate Cannonbolt
- Ultimate Swampfire
- Ultimate Humungousaur
- Gwen, at the beginning of the comic, is wearing pink leggings. In the fight scenes. she appears without them.
- A kid's toy of Brainstorm has a claw that is miscolored orange and black.
- A girl has a shirt with Echo Echo on it, but his Ultimatrix symbol is fully green.
- When the narrator talks about Ben getting the Omnitrix, the Ultimatrix is shown instead.
- In two scenes, Kevin's shirt is grey. In two other scenes, he does not have long sleeves and appears with blue eyes.
- Heatblast has his Ultimate Alien appearance despite being from the Original Series. His Omnitrix symbol is also black and white instead of grey and white.
- Max has no flowers on his shirt.
- XLR8's claws are blue and the stripes on his tail are white.
- In one scene, the left side of Ben's jacket is white.
- During Ultimate Spidermonkey's transformation sequence, his eyes are white.
- In three scenes, the area under Ultimate Echo Echo's mouth is light blue.
- In one scene, Ultimate Echo Echo is missing the black line on his right arm.
- Despite taking place in Ultimate Alien era of the show, Zombozo is shown with his look from the Original Series.
- When Cannonbolt turns into his ball form, he is white instead of yellow.
- Ultimate Cannonbolt reverts to Ben without reverting to Cannonbolt first.
- At the end of the comic, Kevin's shoes are brown.
- This comic shows the history about Ben's past, however it is demonstrated in one of the fights an unknown villain seems to be a character who fought with Ben in the past.
- Gwen is dressed in her outfit from Seasons 1 and 2 of Alien Force, but with her hair in a ponytail.