Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
Rebootomnitrixsymbol This article belongs to the Reboot Continuity

The Sonitrain is a technologically enhanced maglev train which was used by Lord Decibel.


The Sonitrain is capable of travelling at high speeds. Its speed is so great that even XLR8 wasn't able to catch up to it.

The Sonitrain is a Maglev train and can travel in all types of terrains due to being able to levitate using magnetic repulsion.


The train first appeared in Speed of Sound where it is revealed that Lord Decibel donated his tech to Helen Troy Industries, and tricked the owner to make his own personal train. He used this train to take the passengers as hostages. But was stopped by Ben.

The train returns in Mock 10, where Kevin attempts to hijack it but finds out that it has already been hijacked by LaGrange. Ben as Jetray accidentally starts the train while fighting with Skunkmoth. The train runs too fast that time stops running. Later Ben uses Omni-Kix XLR8 to resume time by pushing the Sonitrain at the same speed backwards, putting everything back to normal.


Season 4[]

Armors Cat PinGlitch ArmorMark 2 Billions BackpackPresidential Mech Suit
Devices AI RingBee BangleEner-CellGotchagotchiMolecular RegeneratorOmnitrix JammerOmniversal Portal DeviceTablet
Food Brozone PuncherPrairie PuddingSmoothieS'more
Formulae Regressive Baby Powder
Genetics AnimergerDNA GunDNA Pods
Machinery Helium-Tron CondenserNanite ReactorNightmare MachineSmytherator
Ships Chimeran HammerIncarceconPioneer Model-EProvidence HelicarrierResoluteVilgax's Battleship
Time Travel Forever Knight's Gauntlet
Vehicles Billy's LimousineEarth SplitterGulpinator 6000LaGrange's CarL.I.Z.A.Omni-CopterRustbucketRustbucket (Maximilian's Dimension)SonitrainSteam SmasherSteambucketVin Ethanol's Car
Weapons Strike's PenTetramandian WarspearVox Petropia
Other Anti-Gravity ProjectorClocktopusConductobotCranium DisplacerFountain of YouthNanitesOmnitrix Containment PodOmnitrix KeyRail SharkSerpent Glass
Games Omnitrix TokenPurple CrystalSteam Smythe's Bomb