Sonic Boom is a the twenty-second Ben 10 comic published in the Cartoon Network Action Pack series, published by DC and Cartoon Network. This comic appears in issue 21 of the series.
Grandpa Max has taken Ben and Gwen to an air show, and -while bickering amongst themselves- they witness an alien craft almost knock one of the planes out of the sky. Ben darts to cover to transform into Stinkfly, quickly jumping into the fray of things!
After one plane begins to tumble out of the sky, Ben barely manages to stabilise it, before getting shot at by the alien craft. Here, a fish-like alien reveals himself, constraining Ben with his tentacles and demanding the Omnitrix from him.
Before the alien can reach the Omnitrix emblem on Stinkfly's head, the fighter planes -now with Max leading them- shoot at the ship, allowing Ben to escape and blind the alien. The alien craft tumbles out of the sky and crashes, while Gwen and the de-transforming Ben runs to meet Max as he lands.
- Unnamed Alien
Aliens Used[]
- When Stinkfly takes off, the crowd below first think he's a plane - possibly referencing Superman's famous quote.
- The Tennysons appear to move between seats in the first page, appearing to be much further left and higher up the aisle when the alien craft appears.