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Phew! Welcome, explorers and omni-planetary travelers. Is it hot in here, or is it just a Pyronite from Heatblast's bright, planet-like star Pyros?

– Azmuth narrating Alien World short.

Pyros is a planet-like star[note 1] and the homeworld of the Pyronites.


At some point in time, a Kineceleran delegation visited Pyros to discuss diplomatic matters. The young Pyronites and Kinecelerans got bored and snuck away to play the Pyronites' favorite game, Magma Ball. However, they were soon caught by the elders, who decided to let the games continue, with Pyronites and Kinecelerans playing on both sides of the field.[1]

During one of their Ice Egg Festivals, a group of Ekoplektoids crash landed on Pyros due to their ship being overloaded. The Pyronites weren't happy with the Ekoplektoids crashing the party, but when the Ekoplektoids told the Pyronites they just needed space, the Pyronites allowed them to stay.[2]


On the world of Pyros, rivers of molten lava cut through the endless fire-singed tundra. The planet is covered in active volcanoes. The intense heat makes the planet uninhabitable for most other species, such as humans.[3]

The largest mountain on Pyros is Mount Helios, though it is also an active volcano. Dropping an Ice Egg into it will cause a chain reaction that freezes the surface of the entire planet and prevents Pyros from overheating.[4]


The Pyronites' society involves constantly putting themselves to the test against their extreme environment. They don't just do this because it's fun, they do it to refine their pyrokinetic abilities.[3]

They also occasionally drop Ice Eggs into Mount Helios. Aside from the beneficial effects this has on the planet, they use this as an excuse to hold a massive party.[4]

Known Inhabitants[]

  • Pyronites
  • Lavadrex
  • Unnamed Phoenix-like fauna made of fire[5]
  • Unnamed quadrupedal species made of fire with wings and a long tail[5]

Known Visitors[]


  1. In Heatblast AW1: Extreme Season, Pyros was claimed to be a planet-like star, but in Heatblast AW2: Cold Snap, it was called a planet. Duncan Rouleau has also referred to it as a planet near a star.[DR 1][BTP 1]


Duncan Rouleau[]

Ben 10 Planet[]

Celestial Bodies
AppoplexiaArburiaCascareauEarthEkoplektonFlors VerdanceFulmasFulmas IIGalvan PrimeKhorosKinetLepidopterraPetropiaPyrosTerradino
Satellites Galaxies
Galvan B AndromedaMilky Way