Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
34497a3fe0ef52949a1ba8e99894ed69 This article belongs to the Classic Continuity

Polyominus is the homeworld of the Segmentasapiens.[OV Brief 1]


Segmentasapiens evolved to hide by blending in with the structures on Polyominus, so it is known that their architecture resembles modern Segmentasapiens.[OV Brief 1]


During at least one point in its history, Polyominus was threatened by constant invasions, which led to the Segmentasapiens being forced to adapt to all types of warring conditions.[OV Brief 1]

Polyominus currently boasts some of the most ancient architecture in the universe. Many beings in the galaxy consider it to be a ghost planet, for there has been no noticeable indigenous life found on Polyominus for millennia now. A secret that few off-worlders are ever made privy to however, is that all of the eerily abandoned, medieval-style walled cities on Polyominus are the planet's lifeforms: Segmentasapiens, who evolved this ability to hide in plain sight from invaders.[OV Brief 1]

Known Inhabitants[]


Omniverse Series Master Brief[]

Celestial Bodies
Prime Timeline
Seen Planets Aldabra ā€¢ Anodyne ā€¢ Anur Transyl ā€¢ Aranhascimmia ā€¢ Augstaka ā€¢ Cancri E ā€¢ Coda Coda ā€¢ Earth ā€¢ Encephalonus IV ā€¢ Galvan Prime ā€¢ Gliese 667C ā€¢ Incursean Homeworld ā€¢ Khoros ā€¢ Lepidopterra ā€¢ Mikd'lty ā€¢ Monawk ā€¢ Pantophage ā€¢ Peptos XI ā€¢ Peptos XII ā€¢ Perplexahedron ā€¢ Petropia ā€¢ Piscciss ā€¢ Pluto ā€¢ Poiana LĆ¼ncas ā€¢ Primus ā€¢ Probity's Homeworld ā€¢ Revonnah ā€¢ Sulcus ā€¢ Sylex VII ā€¢ T.K. ā€¢ Terminus III ā€¢ Turrawuste ā€¢ Vilgaxia ā€¢ Xenon
Unseen Planets Aeropela ā€¢ Andesite ā€¢ Anur G'rrnay ā€¢ Anur Khufos ā€¢ Anur Millgan ā€¢ Anur Ormerow ā€¢ Anur Phaetos ā€¢ Anur Vladias ā€¢ Appoplexia ā€¢ Arburia ā€¢ Atrocius 0 ā€¢ Aul-Turrhen ā€¢ Chalybeas ā€¢ Coleop Terra ā€¢ Flors Verdance ā€¢ Gilli-Perambulous Promenade ā€¢ Hathor ā€¢ Keplorr ā€¢ Kinet ā€¢ Kiusana ā€¢ Kylmyys ā€¢ Lewoda ā€¢ Maxwell ā€¢ Methanos ā€¢ Molluskus ā€¢ Nemunimos IV ā€¢ Pattersonea ā€¢ Polyominus ā€¢ Prypiatos ā€¢ Ringa Morr ā€¢ Sangerosia ā€¢ Scalpasc ā€¢ Sightra ā€¢ Sotoragg ā€¢ Techadon ā€¢ Terradino ā€¢ Tesslos ā€¢ Thalassia ā€¢ Viscosia ā€¢ Vulpin ā€¢ X'Nelli
Spaceborne Species Galilean (Gravattack ā€¢ Orbit Man) ā€¢ Evolved Galilean (Ultimate Gravattack) ā€¢ Crabdozer (Crabdozer)
Satellites Galvan B ā€¢ Luna Lobo ā€¢ Moon ā€¢ Myceto
Stars Pyros
Star Systems Anur System ā€¢ Galvan Star System ā€¢ Shadow Realm
Galaxies Andromeda ā€¢ Milky Way
Other Celestial Bodies Chronal Randomization Barrier ā€¢ Forge of Creation ā€¢ Nosideen Quasar ā€¢ Teslavorr Nebula
Retconned Chronia ā€¢ Osmos ā€¢ Osmos V
Corundor ā€¢ Ignis ā€¢ Lignum ā€¢ MorOtesi ā€¢ Zvezda