Pleasant Dreams is the twenty-third Ben 10 comic published in the Cartoon Network Action Pack series, published by DC and Cartoon Network. This comic appears in issue 22 of the series.
While telling horror stories by the campfire, Ben and Gwen are told to go to bed by Max. When they wake up the next day, the campsite has been torn apart.
While meeting some other campers who's site also got hit, a girl called Sheila and her dad, Ben accidentally knocks down a tree that had been cut, catching it as Four Arms as it almost topples over on Gwen and Sheila.
The next night, Gwen wakes up to Benwolf stalking around the campsite, and when Gwen tries to get his attention, she gets clawed at, but is able to turn Ben back before any harm is done. They come to the conclusion Ben's been sleepwalking, but not before getting spooked by a skunk.
Aliens Used[]
- Benwolf's eyes are white on the cover.
- Ben's shirt has a stripe on its back.
- When cloaked in darkness, Benwolf is missing his tail.