Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
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Solid state!

– Otto's catchphrase.[1]

Otto[2] is a villain that appeared in OTTO Motives.


Otto has a holographic head that is similar to Pyxi's, save for having two horns, eyebrows, and two ear-like figures connecting to his head's outline. His eyebrows are shaped such as to spell out his name 'OTTO' along with his eyes. He has a small robotic body with two thin robot arms with pincers like Brainstorm


Otto is a rogue artificial intelligence unit with back stabbing tendencies, yet he is well mannered. He has the typical egomaniacal personality.



Otto started out as a faulty A.I. Unit for a ventilator. At some later point, he had Kevin and Argit gather technology for him in exchange for helping them escape the Null Void. However, Otto double-crossed the pair and used the machinery to escape while abandoning Kevin and Argit. Over the next few years, became a criminal boss with the Violet Offenders as his henchmen.


Otto first appears in OTTO Motives', where he reunited with Kevin and Argit at an intergalactic auto show on Khoros, still holding a grudge against him for his treachery. His plan to steal four of the most valuable cars in the galaxy was thwarted by Kevin, Argit, Rook, and Ben, with him and the Violet Offenders being placed under arrest.

Powers and Abilities[]

Otto can merge with technology and reconfigure it, such as when he became one with the Proto-TRUK and the four alien cars he stole, a form he called "Otto Gestalt."

Otto can drill through metal with his hands.


Unless he is merged with other technology, Otto is not physically capable in hand-to-hand combat and even has to be carried around by one of his henchmen.



Season 4[]


Otto is a pun on the word "auto".

"Gestalt" means an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts.


  • Otto's catchphrase is a reference to solid state drives, a variation of regular hard drives in computers.
  • Despite the fact that he is shown to hover by himself while he was in the Null Void, he has to be carried five years later.
  • When he was in his "Otto Gestalt" form, Otto was a parody of the Transformers Combiners, which are also referred to as "gestalts" by the fanbase.
    • The crew was going to have Otto call himself Otto-Bot, but their lawyers did not allow them to do it.[MW 1]
  • Otto's eyes and eyebrows are designed to spell out his name.


Crew Statements[]

Matt Wayne[]

Prime Timeline
Vilgax Bioid (Original)Bioid (Omnitrix Army)MechadroidSquid MonsterUltimate Vilgax
Dr. Animo Mutant FrogMutant HamsterMutant ParrotLiving MammothLiving TyrannosaurusHeatbatMutant SeagullMutant OctopusMutant Lepidopterran/Splixson HybridMutant BatMutant Prairie DogMutant HornetPterodactylPterodactyl LeaderMutant KangarooMutant SnailMutant AntMutant MosquitoMutant GiraffeTechnobugChupacabraFrankencryptidMutant Squirrel
Bounty Hunters SixSixSevenSevenEightEightSynthroidSunderKraabVulkanus
Zombozo Acid BreathFrightwigThumbskullZombie Clowns
Rojo's Gang RojoAzulAmarillo
Magic AddwaityaCharmcasterDarkstarPallorfangScrutin
Forever Knights Sir DriscollEnochPatrickUrienSir CyrusJoseph ChadwickConnorSir DagonetDr. JekyllSir MortonSir ReginaldTwin KnightsSquireCoach FinnMech DragonRed KnightSquires
Great One Enforcer AlienInterpreter AlienLeader Alien
Zs'Skayr CrüjoKuphuluLord TransylMummyViktorWerewolfAnur-Mirrored BenAnur-Mirrored CharmcasterAnur-Mirrored HobbleAnur-Mirrored RookLiving Pumpkins
Vengers Billy BillionsCaptain NemesisKangaroo KommandoMazumaSimonsWill Harangue
Lenopan Mr. MannMrs. MannCamille's Ex-BoyfriendMann Family's Bodyguard
Road Crew Baron HighwayTurbineRoad Rage
Evil Bens EonAlbedoBad BenBenzarroEon's Minions (Ultimate Alien)Mad BenNega Ben
Highbreed Highbreed CommanderFailsafeMini-FailsafesDNAlienEdnaMoeShemMizaruXenocite
Incursean Empire MilleousAtteaRaffMajor GlorffLieutenant RanaSangfroidWay Bads
Vreedles MaPaOctagonRhomboidParallelogramIsosceles Right TriangleDodecahedronPretty Boy
The Hive Elena ValadisMicrochipDecoy QueenLiving BuildingsShip-It Employee
Aggregor AggrebotsUltimate Aggregor
Dagon LucubraConduit EdwardsRichEsoterica
Faction Dr. PsychobosKhyberKhyber's PanuncianMalware
Psyphon Bug-LiteBouncerBubble HelmetLiamGorvanPsyphon's MinionNightmarish AlienPiscciss Volann PrisonerPickaxe AliensSweet-Eels SparklefunkHooded AlienThunderpigTummyhead
Fistrick CorvoHoodlumFistrick's Thug
Rooters ServantisPhil BillingsRagnarokSwiftLeander
Robots B.L.R.R.T.S.A.M.Slix VigmaSlix Vigma's BodyguardsRed RobotComputronComputron's MinionsEon's Minions (Omniverse)OttoTechadon RobotsMechaneerNaljian DestructorR.E.D.sMouse MinionsStalkerRemoteJungle Guardians
Others AntonioBenevelonBlue LeaderBuzzCharles ZenithClancyCodon Stream MonsterConvictMayor ColemanCollectimusLord DoomicusDuaneEon's Minions (Race Against Time)FrankFungal ForcePrince GyulaHammerHowell WainwrightHulex ColonelHulex WorkersInspector 13JackJarettJonah MelvilleKolarCaptain KorkKrakkenKundoLepidopterran PrisonerMaltruantMino-TogaMissyMorggMutant SeagullsMyceliumNyancy ChanPiscciss KrakenPinkyPlant AlienPlant ClonesPoltroonPrisoner 775Red LeaderSeebikSimianSolid PluggSsserpentSubliminoSuemungousaurSunnySurgeonTetramand PrisonerTrash MonsterTrombipulorViolet OffendersKing XarionYetta
Alternate Dimensions/Timelines
Original Series Future Timeline Dr. AnimoExo-SkullKevin LevinMot SnikrepSplootVilgaxVulkanus
Omniverse Future Timeline Dr. AnimoExo-SkullSubdora
Time Heals Timeline CharmcasterHex
Dimension 23 Carrot MonsterOrange Offenders
Mad Ben's Dimension Mad Pakmar
Gwen 10 (What-If?) Vilgax
Goodbye and Good Riddance (What-If?) VilgaxBird Villains
Books AnimusAztakCaeciliaDJ ZenutDr. DoomFrostbyteGontuGroombahInfinite MonkeyLouie the HairdresserMermaidParasiteScornSeñor ChaosSlezakThe Collector (Collectible Heroes)The Collector (Powerless)Trash Monster (Down in the Dumps)Triple Trouble
Games Crystal ClawsFeralineForever NinjaFusion BenGiant Vilgax DestroyerMacerootRemoteSnakeflySnap DragonTerracotta ArmyTerracotta GeneralTerracotta DragonThornhoundVulpin Serpent
Non-Ben 10
Generator Rex AlphaBlack KnightBiowulfI-BolSkalamander
The Secret Saturdays V.V. ArgostMunya