Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
34497a3fe0ef52949a1ba8e99894ed69 This article belongs to the Classic Continuity

Albedo, my former assistant, built an inferior copy. I warned you that there could only be one Omnitrix, you ignored me!

Azmuth to Albedo.[1]

The Omnimatrix, referred to as the Omnitrix, was an inferior duplicate of the original Omnitrix created by Albedo.


The Omnitrix looked identical to the recalibrated original Omnitrix.



After Albedo stopped working for Azmuth, he used his knowledge of the project to build a copy, and set it to match Ben's. However, when doing so, he didn't know that Ben's DNA would become the default, causing him to permanently lose his Galvan form and become a clone of Ben.

Alien Force[]

GCBC (480)

The Omnitrixes collide, causing a feedback loop

In Good Copy, Bad Copy, when Albedo and Ben met during Albedo's siege at a Forever Knight castle, Albedo pretended to be the creator of the Omnitrix, accusing Azmuth of being a liar, and asked Ben to hand it over. When Ben became suspicious and refused, Albedo transformed and attacked him in order to take his Omnitrix by force. After battling him twice, their Omnitrixes locked on with each other, almost causing feedback that could have destroyed the whole galaxy. During the process, Albedo's human form was damaged, resulting in him becoming a negative version of Ben. Azmuth then arrived and removed the Omnitrix's core.



  • The Omnitrix mainly allowed for the user to transform into a numerous variety of alien life-forms that are each with their own unique powers and abilities (along with their weaknesses) and in a selection of alien DNA that is in groups of 10.
  • The Omnitrix had a quick change feature.
    • Manually touching the Omnitrix symbol not only allows the user to immediately transform back to normal but can also be used to change forms while already transformed.
  • The Omnitrix changed the aliens' eye color to match the user's eye color.

Display Modes[]

  • The Omnitrix displayed dark green holograms of the aliens.


  • When the user was transformed, an Omnitrix symbol appeared on the chest.


GCBC (493)

Albedo's Negative Form

  • This Omnitrix is ​​synchronized with the original Omnitrix, which can make the user a copy of the original Omnitrix user.
  • If the Omnitrix gets locked on to another Omnitrix, it may create a bio-energy feedback loop that can turn the user into a negative version of the other user.

Known Aliens[]

Alien Species First Used/Mentioned
Alien X Celestialsapien Mentioned to be locked in The Forge Of Creation
Big Chill Necrofriggian First used in Good Copy, Bad Copy
Brainstorm Cerebrocrustacean
Chromastone Crystalsapien
Echo Echo Sonorosian First used in Good Copy, Bad Copy
Goop Polymorph First used in Good Copy, Bad Copy
Humungousaur Vaxasaurian First used in Good Copy, Bad Copy
Jetray Aerophibian First used in Good Copy, Bad Copy
Spidermonkey Arachnichimp First used in Good Copy, Bad Copy
Swampfire Methanosian


Alien Force[]

Season 2[]

Ultimate Alien[]

Season 3[]


Cartoon Network Action Packs[]

Alien Force[]

Video Games[]

Alien Force[]



Prime Timeline
Recalibrated Omnitrix Recalibrated Omnitrix Ultimatrix Box Image Jul 2021 Unitrix character
Omnitrix (Original) Omnitrix (Albedo's Replica) Ultimatrix (Original) Unitrix
OV Complete Omnitrix Nemetrix day Ultimatrix (Recreated)
Omnitrix Nemetrix Ultimatrix (Recreated)
Ben 10k Omnitrix Omnitrix-Ben10 RAT Omnitrix Recalibrated Omnitrix
Omnitrix (Original Series Future) Omnitrix (Ken's Replica) Omnitrix (Race Against Time Timeline) Omnitrix (Time Heals Timeline)
Recalibrated Omnitrix 20210908 113045 Omnitrix23 character Biomnitrix character
Ultimatrix (Ultimate Alien Future) Ultimatrix (Alpha's Replica) Hero Watch Biomnitrix
Bad Ben Omnitrix Zombitrix Negatrix Power Watch
Omnitrix (Bad Ben's Timeline) Zombitrix Negatrix Power Watch
Gwenomni Argitrix
Omnitrix (Gweniverse) Argitrix
Omnitrix mad Omega Doom Timothy Omnitrix
Omnitrix (MAD) Omega Doom Prototype 71