Nemesis is the ninth Ben 10 comic published in the Cartoon Network Action Pack series, published by DC and Cartoon Network. This comic appears in issue 14 of the series.
Ben, Gwen, and Max come across a new criminal in town, named "The Challenger", during a bank robbery.
After being told to move along by a police officer at the scene of the crime, Ben decides to discreetly turn into XLR8. While running towards him, XLR8 gets slipped up by an ice blast from The Challenger, and while incapacitated, Ben cannot stop him from escaping.
Later, while investigating, the Tennysons come across another crime scene. Ben transforms into Four Arms to prevent another bank robbery. Once confronted, The Challenger grows six more arms and easily defeats Ben.
After transforming back, Ben comes to the realization that The Challenger's powers come from that of his opponents', and are designed to counteract anyone who fights him.
Ben fights the Challenger in his human form, as he doesn't have any powers for him to counteract. While fighting, Gwen interjects, and knocks the Challenger out with a broom to the back of the head.
Before leaving the scene, the police officer from earlier comes and tells them to move along again, not suspecting them of being the ones that defeated the villain.
- The Challenger
Aliens Used[]
- Ben has a stripe on the back of his shirt.
- XLR8's Omnitrix silhouette is green instead of black.
- The area underneath XLR8's lips is white.
- When Ben is about to turn into Four Arms, one part of the Omnitrix is colored white.
- The Omnitrix's emblem is the wrong way round in two panels.
- The stripe underneath Four Arms' lips is grey in one panel.
- When Four Arms is about to time out, his Omnitrix symbol is green.
- Four Arms' T-shirt is missing in one panel.
- When Ben headbutts the Challenger, the Omnitrix looks different.