Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
Rebootomnitrixsymbol This article belongs to the Reboot Continuity

The Helium-Tron Condenser is a machine created by Maurice that appeared in Bad Penny.


The Helium-Tron Condenser is a rust-brown machine with two glass containers on top of it. On its side is a series of switches, two gauges, and buttons that flash on and off when in use. A tube connects to it, which in turn funnels the contents of the machine into a backpack.


The Helium-Tron Condenser, when filled with helium, would alter the chemical element into a purple substance known as Helium-Tron condensation gel. A tube on the machine transported the gel into a backpack (with a gun attachment) for mobile use.


Ben 10[]

In Bad Penny, Maurice and Sydney used the Helium-Tron Condenser to create Helium-Tron condensation gel, unknowingly announcing their their evil plans to Ben, Gwen and Penny in the process.


Ben 10[]

Season 1[]

Armors Cat PinGlitch ArmorMark 2 Billions BackpackPresidential Mech Suit
Devices AI RingBee BangleEner-CellMolecular RegeneratorOmnitrix JammerOmniversal Portal DeviceTablet
Food Brozone PuncherPrairie PuddingSmoothieS'more
Formulae Regressive Baby Powder
Genetics AnimergerDNA GunDNA Pods
Machinery Helium-Tron CondenserNanite ReactorNightmare MachineSmytherator
Magic Activation StoneBook of EternalsCharmcaster's Magical RuneCharmcaster's SpellbookCorn FluteEye of WotanGrimoire of ArchamadaMerlin's WandPan's FluteRune of ReplicationSword of McGuffinTitan Gauntlets
Ships Chimeran HammerIncursean IncarceconPioneer Model-EProvidence HelicarrierResoluteVilgax's Battleship
Time Travel Forever Knight's Gauntlet
Vehicles Billy's LimousineEarth SplitterGulpinator 6000LaGrange's CarL.I.Z.A.Omni-CopterRustbucketRustbucket (Maximilian's Dimension)SonitrainSteam SmasherSteambucketVin Ethanol's Car
Weapons Strike's PenTetramandian WarspearVox Petropia
Other Anti-Gravity ProjectorClocktopusConductobotCranium DisplacerFountain of YouthNanitesOmnitrix Containment PodOmnitrix KeyRail SharkSerpent Glass
See Also Lucky GirlSumo Slammers
Games Omnitrix TokenPurple CrystalSteam Smythe's Bomb