Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
Rebootomnitrixsymbol This article belongs to the Reboot Continuity

The Cranium Displacer was a head-swapping helmet created by Maurice.


The Cranium Displacer was a bronze helmet with two antennae.



According to himself, the Cranium Displacer is one of Maurice's earliest inventions.

Ben 10[]

In Heads of the Family, Ben found Maurice and Sydney in a dumpster with the Cranium Displacer near his family reunion. Though Maurice claimed it was a shrinking ray, this proved to be untrue, as it instead swapped his head with Heatblast's. The Bugg Brothers, Ben, Kevin, and later Max, Gwen and a squirrel all used the device on each other, causing chaos. Eventually, everyone returned to normal before the helmet was destroyed by Rath, with the exception of Max, whose head was still swapped with the squirrel's.


The Cranium Displacer, when worn, would fire off jolts of red electricity at a given target, swapping their heads with each other. The body of the device's user would retain it upon switching.


Ben 10[]

Season 3[]

Armors Cat PinGlitch ArmorMark 2 Billions BackpackPresidential Mech Suit
Devices AI RingBee BangleEner-CellMolecular RegeneratorOmnitrix JammerOmniversal Portal DeviceTablet
Food Brozone PuncherPrairie PuddingSmoothieS'more
Formulae Regressive Baby Powder
Genetics AnimergerDNA GunDNA Pods
Machinery Helium-Tron CondenserNanite ReactorNightmare MachineSmytherator
Magic Activation StoneBook of EternalsCharmcaster's Magical RuneCharmcaster's SpellbookCorn FluteEye of WotanGrimoire of ArchamadaMerlin's WandPan's FluteRune of ReplicationSword of McGuffinTitan Gauntlets
Ships Chimeran HammerIncursean IncarceconPioneer Model-EProvidence HelicarrierResoluteVilgax's Battleship
Time Travel Forever Knight's Gauntlet
Vehicles Billy's LimousineEarth SplitterGulpinator 6000LaGrange's CarL.I.Z.A.Omni-CopterRustbucketRustbucket (Maximilian's Dimension)SonitrainSteam SmasherSteambucketVin Ethanol's Car
Weapons Strike's PenTetramandian WarspearVox Petropia
Other Anti-Gravity ProjectorClocktopusConductobotCranium DisplacerFountain of YouthNanitesOmnitrix Containment PodOmnitrix KeyRail SharkSerpent Glass
Games Omnitrix TokenPurple CrystalSteam Smythe's Bomb