Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
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The Chimeran Hammer was Vilgax's space ship.


The Chimeran Hammer was a large, brown cruiser. It has two pincer-like protrusions coming out of the ship's front, generating electricity between them. Orange, egg-like constructs cover various parts of the ship, and two wires come out of the back to hold a ball of energy in place. It also featured antennae and turrets.


Sometime prior to Ben 10[]

Vilgax had multiple Chimeran Hammers, which he used to conquer worlds. Most of these ships were piloted by opportunists who saw it in their best interest to side with a warlord.[DR 1]

Ben 10[]

In Omni-Tricked: Part 3, Vilgax flew the Chimeran Hammer to Mount Megalodon to re-power the ship, but Ben defeated him and sunk it into the volcano in Omni-Tricked: Part 4. The ship's successor was the Drone Ship.


The Chimeran Hammer was very well-armed, having many laser weapons, without even mentioning the giant taser-shaped weapon responsible for a bulk of the ship's size. It also had visible cannons in which physical projectiles could be loaded.

The speed of the Chimeran Hammer was very high.

The Chimeran Hammer was powered by thermal energy.

Notable Inhabitants[]

Notable Visitors[]


Ben 10[]

Season 1[]

Season 4[]


Duncan Rouleau[]

Armors Cat PinGlitch ArmorMark 2 Billions BackpackPresidential Mech Suit
Devices AI RingBee BangleEner-CellMolecular RegeneratorOmnitrix JammerOmniversal Portal DeviceTablet
Food Brozone PuncherPrairie PuddingSmoothieS'more
Formulae Regressive Baby Powder
Genetics AnimergerDNA GunDNA Pods
Machinery Helium-Tron CondenserNanite ReactorNightmare MachineSmytherator
Magic Activation StoneBook of EternalsCharmcaster's Magical RuneCharmcaster's SpellbookCorn FluteEye of WotanGrimoire of ArchamadaMerlin's WandPan's FluteRune of ReplicationSword of McGuffinTitan Gauntlets
Ships Chimeran HammerIncursean IncarceconPioneer Model-EProvidence HelicarrierResoluteVilgax's Battleship
Time Travel Forever Knight's Gauntlet
Vehicles Billy's LimousineEarth SplitterGulpinator 6000LaGrange's CarL.I.Z.A.Omni-CopterRustbucketRustbucket (Maximilian's Dimension)SonitrainSteam SmasherSteambucketVin Ethanol's Car
Weapons Strike's PenTetramandian WarspearVox Petropia
Other Anti-Gravity ProjectorClocktopusConductobotCranium DisplacerFountain of YouthNanitesOmnitrix Containment PodOmnitrix KeyRail SharkSerpent Glass
See Also Lucky GirlSumo Slammers
Games Omnitrix TokenPurple CrystalSteam Smythe's Bomb